Associazione che si prefigge di promuovere con urgenza la ricerca di un trattamento efficace e di una cura della linfangioleiomiomatosi

LAM Italia at the Pneumotrieste 2012 meets Prof Mc Keon and Prof Wa Xian

From the 26th to the 28th March 2012 has been held in Trieste in the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the north east of Italy, the Congress PNEUMOTRIESTE 2012. LAM Italia Onlus has been present with an exhibition space. The Congress has been visited by about 400 pulmonologists, 100 medical experts, and 70 speakers from all over Italy and abroad. At the Congress the President of LAM Italia has got the possibility to speak about LAM and stem cells with Professors Mc Keon and Professor Wa Xian of the Singapore's Genome Institute, who are the first researchers to have shown how stem cells can regenerate damaged lungs by opening new scenarios in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. On the occasion of this meeting thanks to Professor Mc Keon availability it has been possible to make a brief interview which is online. Please click here to get access to the video registration:
We take this opportunity to warmly thank Professor Mc Keon and Professor Wa Xian who are interested in the LAM disease and in keeping in touch with the LAM comunity.
We also wish to thank Professor Marco Confalonieri, who has organized this great Congress and for his collaboration with LAM Italia Onlus. Here below a picture of Mc Keon and Wa Xian at the conference and an image of the article appeared on the daily newspaper the Piccolo of Trieste.


Frank Mc Keon and Wa Xian


Article of Daily Newspaper on LAM, LAM Italia and Stem Cell Research